As cliche as “it changed the trajectory of my life” might sound, my session with Guy absolutely did. I had dabbled in ‘energy healing’ before but what I experience in Guys readings is unmatched. He has this incredibly gifted ability to tap into dimensions that dare I say very few can. He takes you on a divine ‘journey’ where you connect with not only the light beings that surround you, your guides and galactic family but your past life/s. As someone who has suffered and struggled tremendously to operate in this world to the point of suicidal anxiety, I confidently attest to finding my way through with more peace, ease, grace and contentment in my heart because of our sessions. I feel freer, lighter and more confident in myself than ever as result. All the awareness I have gained from our sessions has nourished my soul and deeply nurtured my spirit. There is a reason I call him “Miracle worker”, each session we just seem to unpack and release more layers of unresolved trauma and emotional blockages that hold me back from living my best most authentic life. Undoubtedly the most profound form of healing I have ever experienced (and I’ve done a-lot.) Eternally grateful for Guy!

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