Guy Dharma has been on a spiritual path for over 30 years, which began, on a whim, with a solo trip to India in the pursuit of inner peace and happiness. At the age of 25, without any preparation, Guy found himself at the Ashram of the great Sathya Sai Baba during the height of his spiritual influence in India during the early 1990’s.
Guy has since visited India for spiritual practice countless times, and has devoted his life to the practises of meditation, spiritual study and contemplation which ultimately provides benefit to all living beings. With an unwavering focus on achieving spiritual attainments, Guy can channel messages from spiritual guides, read past lives, see auras, chakras and understands the nature of karmic experiences in the lives of those he connects with.
Guy has a great understanding across multiple spiritual fields which includes; energy healing, reiki, past life reading, new age, galactic and channelled literature, conspiracies and alternative history, indigenous connections, HIndu scripture, yoga and Buddhist tantric meditation.
Guy is available for a range of appointment types offered in person or via zoom. If you feel drawn to address spiritual issues in your life or looking for a mentor to help you gain clarity, then a private appointment with Guy might be right for you. Alternatively, Guy co-hosts meditation class on Thursday and Monday evenings and takes a beginner’s Men’s Yoga every Tuesday at 5.30pm.